Masterpiece Studioz specializes in enabling you to increase revenue and profitability through the Internet. We provide website development, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, and Web analytics for organizations throughout Seattle, Bellevue, and Redmond.
We’ll analyze your site and show you how to build your Internet presence.
At Masterpiece Studioz we offer a complete range services including:
- Domain Registrations and Web Hosting
- Eye-catching design
- Personalized web content
- A website that is easily found
- Search engine optimization to secure high search engine rankings
- Clean, valid (X) HTML, using appropriate Web standards
- Website updating and promotion
- NewAnimation – A Great Way to Gain the Attention of Your Visitors
- Resposive Web Design
- NewThe Best Mobile Friendly Website – Dynamic Serving
- Web Analytics Installation, Analyzing, and Reporting
- Website Testing and Optimization
- Specialized Internet Marketing for e-commerce clients
- Mobile App Development

Timothy Wu, Google and CIW Certified Master Web Developer will analyze your website and as well as the websites of your primary competitors. We’ll give you a competitive edge and keep you on top.
By always being among the first to offer the latest and most valuable technologies, you can maintain a marketing advantage over your competitors at prices small- and medium-size companies can easily afford.
If you don't already have a website, we can create a search engine friendly site which uses clean, valid (X)HTML and maintains appropriate Web standards, utilizing the principle of progressive enhancement.
The bottom line is, we’ll dramatically strengthen your online presence, take you to a top ten ranking, and significantly improve your ROI.
Responsive Web Design
The Internet changes as technology evolves. As small screen devices like tablets and smart phones become more popular, websites must adapt, enabling the smaller devices to deliver an experience just as enjoyable as on a large screen. The way to deliver this experience requires Responsive Web Design.
With small screen devices becoming the dominant way to experience the Web, the traditional fixed width design no longer works. The layout needs to be automatically adjusted to fit all display resolutions and devices.
The Masterpiece Studioz website utilizes all of the techniques of Responsive Web Design. If you are currently viewing our site from a desktop or laptop, reduce the size of the screen by half and notice how the presentation changes to fit the new size. Cut it in half again, to about the size of a smart phone screen, and notice the changes. On a site using RWD, you still obtain a pleasant viewing experience on any size screen.
More infomation on Responsive Web Design.
The Basic And Standard Html Websites
Basic HTML Website
The basic HTML website provides a template with up to 10 html pages. A website with four pages might include your home page with introductory information, a page covering services, another page called “about us,” and a fourth providing articles or other types of specific information. While there is no custom design, you will obtain a highly functional and useful website. The website provides you with clean, valid (X)HTML and maintains appropriate Web standards, with the principle of progressive enhancement. This makes your website easily found and gives it an excellent appearance. You will have your choice of background color and the color of words. Because progressive enhancement is utilized, you can easily upgrade your website to a standard HTML website at any time in the future. Other benefits of the basic HTML website include:
- Search engine spiders will easily explore your code without “hiccups” caused by errors such as missing tags or syntax errors.
- Can improve search engine rankings by decreasing the “the markup to content ratio.”
- Enables search engines to determine what content is most important.
- Using accessibility standards will enable search engines to better understand the content and will significantly enhance the experience for those who are disabled.
Standard HTML Website
The standard HTML website includes all aspects of the Basic HTML website, but includes a custom design with up to 10 HTML pages.
Knowing the goals for your website is essential to the design process. In this way we can prepare an effective plan and implement useful design concepts. Since every site has a unique purpose, each project will involve close coordination between you and the designer to create a site that will bring viewers back time and time again. Every technology available will be considered and applied according to appropriateness, and fine-tuned to produce a functional and visually attractive site.
Modern commerce is increasingly moving toward a global market through the Internet. Therefore, it is essential to attract the right visitors to your site and induce them to become regular customers by applying proven e-commerce marketing techniques.
Design style significantly affects the enjoyment of a website visit, so the suitability of each style and design element will be considered. Every aspect will be discussed in order to satisfy you. Every nuance of the design must be considered, including, color, font, and layout.
Advanced Server-side Script Website
Membership and User Profiling
- Users can create new accounts independently, by filling out an online registration form.
- Users can later change their own credentials.
- The administrator can grant or deny access to specific sections.
- The administrator is able suspend a user account for not following the site’s policies.
- The administrator can access summary and statistical data about registered users.
- NewAllow your users to login to your site using an existing password from an account on other trusted sites, such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Micosoft. This growing trend enables users to remember fewer passwords and makes your site more user friendly.
Article Management
- This online tool acquires, manages, and shares the content of your site.
- Design of the database tables for this module.
- Design the object models of the data and business layers.
- Security for the administrative section is ensured.
Opinion Polls
- This feature provides poll functionality for the site.
- To easily access the database we provide tables, stored procedures, a data access layer, and a business layer to keep presentation layers separated from the database itself.
- We’ll design the database tables, stored procedures, data and business layers, user interface services, and security.
- We’ll develop the best way to store subscription data, including e-mail address, name, and other key information.
- Due to users’ preference, the registration will require only user name and e-mail address, while profile data will indicate such things as the preferred format of the newsletter such as plain-text or HTML.
- Users will be able to make changes in such things as format, for themselves.
- We’ll develop a system that allows you to send out a hundred or several thousand newsletters.
- We’ll maintain full security for the system.
- You will have support for multiple categories (subforms) that are basically specific to a single topic or argument.
- Each forum will be supported by “moderation.” A forum requires a way to approve or disapprove of posts to ensure they conform to forum rules, are pertinent, and are non-offensive.
- The list of threads for a subforum and the list of posts for a thread will be paginable and the list of threads will be sortable.
- Posting is usually permitted only for registered members, whereas browsing is allowed for everyone.
- Those who post will be able to modify their posts at a later time and simply indicate it has been edited.
- Users can have an avatar image associated with their account.
- You will have full support for RSS 2.0 feeds and users will be able to get a feed with the 10 newest threads or the 10 most popular threads.
- A policy statement will be included to tell users what the rules are and will help protect the site owners and administrators from lawsuits, especially if a nasty, hateful, or untruthful message is posted and not caught quickly.
E-Commerce Store
- Implementing a custom e-commerce module can be a challenge, but we will show you how we can create a full-featured system to enable you to run a real e-store.
- Products will have a description and thumbnail images will become larger when the user clicks on the small image.
- Products will support a discount percentage when a promotion is being run. The customer will see the original price along with the discounted price.
- This module will utilize RSS feeds for the products catalog. Customers can be notified about new products.
- The module will support a stock management system to ensure you maintain a specified stocking level as sales occur.
- A full featured shopping cart will be provided. Using a “persistent cart,” will allow a shopper to place items in the shopping cart, close the browser and end the session, yet still come back to the site later to find the shopping cart just the same as when left.
- The quantity and price of each item and the subtotal will always be visible.
- A user account will be required for each shopper. It will enable a new shopper to complete their shopping and only then require user information, making the initial shopping experience as easy and enjoyable as possible.
- You will have all the tracking data that any store owner would want.
Personalization and Web Parts
- There are numerous ways to strengthen a website. Based upon our discussions about your needs and what you want to accomplish, we can discuss added features that may prove beneficial to you.
Localizing the Site
- The first step is to determine if you want to localize only static content such as menus, links, and tables, or whether you want to provide translation for everything.
- Localizing needs to be considered from the beginning. Otherwise it will require complete rework of the database design, the user interface, and other critical parts.
Taking Your Website To A Whole New Level
Search Engine Optimization
Effective search engine optimization requires considerable programming and knowledge of all the techniques and technologies that that are continually being developed. Timothy Wu stays fully updated on these technologies and can explain the benefits of each one.
You will receive teaching on how to produce your portion of the search engine optimization. You will need to produce a keyword section for each Web page and other content, such as articles.
Web Analytics
Web analytics provides a powerful tool that tells you in detail, what visitors are doing when they visit your website. This information enables organizations to dramatically increase their return on investment.
Website Testing
Through Web analytics you discover problem areas on your website. Web analytics then enables you to test potential solutions. It could include, for example, which of three names for a service, gets chosen the most by visitors? The use of testing can range from simple to complex, but the result is a greater ROI.
Internet Marketing
Use search engine marketing, online advertising, organic and paid marketing, social media, and email marketing to build your reputation and gain customers.
Useful Web Tools
Web Form
A web form enables visitors and customers to easily contact you by email. The email will be sent even if the computer being used, perhaps at a college or library, does not have “email client software” such as Outlook. A web form will prevent spambots from harvesting the email addresses of customers, and will overcome the fact that not all browsers support the full range of options required.
Search Tool
Visitors can search PDF, Word, PowerPoint, and other file types in addition to regular text. A search results page is produced in less than a second.
Style Sheet Switchers
A style sheet switcher adds an interesting dimension to your website and lets you stand apart from all the hum-drum sites on the Internet. A style sheet switcher allows you to feature your standard layout, or style sheet, but lets your visitors choose the way they view your site. Changing the style sheet can transform the look and feel of your site. People like options. Click here to get a great look at a style sheet switcher which we call Season Switcher™. It’s pretty cool and your visitors will enjoy choosing their own way to view your site. The visitor simply views the options and chooses one. From that point on a persistent cookie stores the user’s choice and recalls that style sheet automatically each time the person returns.